Friday, March 23, 2018

Studies have shown on an average it cost a single person in America about $1500.00 a month to live and that is not including necessities.  The cost to raise one child is about $14,000.00 annually until there age 17. The cost of daycare can average anywhere from $600.-$700.00 a month after the age of 2 years old. That's an average of  $7-$8,000. a year in child care for one child. Minimum wage in the state of California is $11.00.

On that note id like to share this story with you..

I have met and got to speak with this one young lady that is a single mother of two children ages 16 and 12. There father has been known to be in and out of there children's lives since there youngest was the age of 9 months old. I asked this young mother how does she do it? She said she works full time and yet at times she feels as if shes living pay check to pay check. The father does not help. The only time he shows any sort of father in him is maby twice a year. He will take the kids to a local store and by them shampoo and supplies and a few outfits and fills there pocket with 50-100 dollars per child. She said at times it gets very frustrating especially when the children have been known to use there money on junk and random items. While the cost of living is going up she has not gotten a decent raze in a very long time. She works just over minimum wage and sells things to make ends meet. I asked her if she gets any assistance from Human Services. She said she used to. But since she works full-time she does not qualify for it any longer. Its been a struggle. She doesn't realize how people play the system and receive food stamps and cash aide yet she feels like shes drowning at times living pay check to pay check and now owes the social services money back. Its so frustrating how this system works. She explained its not the children's fault. Its the parent that is absent. When you add up the cost of living from shelter to utilities, food, clothing, school books, and field trips. Shoes, to everyday necessities, from projects to extra activities. Everything  just adds up. She also said she would of never have had a child with someone if shed known they would be absent. Shes ever is so thankful for her children though, its the love and laughter of those two that keep her going and continues to be a good parent for her loving children. She will never ever leave them. She is also so thankful for the love of her own family and friends that have turned into family. They are truly the best that have been such a huge support in her children's lives.

Kudos to all the moms and dads that are raising children on there own. And man up to it. Because we all know life is not cheap. I told her, you have the most precious gifts to hold you up. Your are doing an excellent job. And at times you may feel overwhelmed, you are a great mother and you get to have all the love and joys and accomplishments that those two beautiful souls bring and share with you. You are the reason there life is successful. Your children are shining. They are smart good people. And YOU are to be commended.

Keep on Keepin..

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